Monday, March 23, 2009

Aubree's New Hair Do!

Aubree is sporting a new look. She cut 11" of hair off so she could donate it to
Locks of Love. She cut about a foot off in June of 2007 and donated it. Looks cute
but then she can rock just about any hair style.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I was tagged by Adrie to go to my 6th folder and get my 6th picture. But the instructions didn't say if I was to go to my 6th folder over or my 6th folder down. I choose down. It was this cute picture of Aubree & Kolten laughing because of the faces they had pulled for the camera. They thought they were hilarious. These were taken November of 2007. Now to tag 6 people.... How about Lonna, Tara, Amber, Ashley, Lacey & Debbie.